Here’s an easy way to raise money for The Sparrow’s Nest. Just start using Yahoo! powered as your search engine and they’ll donate about a penny to us every time you do a search!
In addition, do all of your shopping through their online shopping mall,, where you can shop at more than 2,400 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will go to The Sparrow’s Nest. You pay the same price as you normally would, but after you choose The Sparrow’s Nest as your cause a donation goes to us!
You can also enroll in the GoodDining program. Eat at over 10,000 participating restaurants nationwide and you can earn up to 6% of every dollar spent on the meal as a donation for The Sparrow’s Nest.
Here’s the web site — You can also read about GoodSearch in the NY Times, Oprah Magazine, CNN, ABC News and the Wall Street Journal.