One of the easiest ways for your family, church or organization to raise funds for The Sparrow’s Nest is through a baby bottle campaign. Here’s how it works:
You contact The Sparrow’s Nest at, or by calling our office at 636-336-2534, and let us know you’d like to host a baby bottle campaign.
We’ll discuss with you how many bottles you need and we’ll work with you to arrange drop-off or pick-up of the baby bottles.
You distribute the baby bottles to members of your organization. Determine how long you want the campaign to last and give members a deadline date for returning the bottles to you (be sure to ask for the unused bottles too).
Your members fill the bottles with coins, cash and/or checks.
You collect the bottles, and, either return them to us for counting, or count them yourself and write one check to The Sparrow’s Nest.
You contact us and arrange drop-off or pick-up of the bottles, both used and unused.
You’ll be amazed at the outpouring of support for Sparrow through such an easy fundraiser!