When you hear the word “poverty” what comes to mind?
Is it a foul smelling drunk laying in his own urine in a back alley?
Is it young woman barely dressed with 5 dirty children tagging along behind her at Aldi’s?
Is it the woman walking up and down the outer road of 70 with her suitcase?
Or is it the people of St. Charles that you never see because it’s a single mom working 2-3 jobs living in an extended stay hotel with her four teenaged children?
Is it the divorced dad living in his truck after enormous medical bills knocked him flat after his construction job ran out?
Whatever your vision we encourage you to attend the Community Action Agency of St. Louis County Poverty Simulation on Tuesday, July 9 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Harvester Christian.
The training will be a hands on simulation of what a family living in poverty goes through in a month. The training will give you unique insight into poverty by walking a mile in their shoes. This will be an invaluable experience that will help you make a difference in the lives of families who face poverty every day. It is also one of the trainings required to work directly with The Sparrow’s Nest clients later this year.
Please register for this FREE event here http://www.thesparrowsneststl.org/event/volunteer-training-understanding-poverty/