You fall into two categories when it comes to Black Friday.

1. You’ve either having been planning your strategy for weeks to get the most bang for your buck.

2. You’re planning to hide out at home but secretly wished Cyber Monday came sooner so you could start getting the deals from at home sooner.

Well, have we got a deal for you!

We have your Black Friday Strategy lined out here:

-Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

-Grab a cup of strong coffee. For those of you in The Flock that don’t drink coffee, well, may the Force be with you.

-Adorning yourself with a tiara and a maribou boa while listening to “A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes” may or may not help your success rate.

-Grab your plastic and Purchase Princess Dance Tickets for 10% only on BLACK FRIDAY from the comfort and safety of your home! It’s the best of both shopping worlds!

To reward your outstanding shopping saavy we have more incentives for purchasing your tickets on Black Friday for your favorite little princess.

1st ticket purchaser earns  a Sparrow Luv package of a Sparrow coffee mug, tee, bracelet, and keychain.

10th ticket purchaser will also receive a Sparrow tee, bracelet,  and coffee mug.

17th ticket purchaser will receive a Sparrow tee.

29th ticket purchaser will receive a Sparrow coffee mug.

36th ticket purchaser will receive a Sparrow keychain.

49th ticket purchaser will receive an extra hug at the door before the event.

Your princess will never forget this incredible night coming up on February 1, 2014 at Bogey Hills Country Club. Not only will it benefit The Sparrow’s Nest but your princess will be treated to Disney Princess dances, confections of all sorts, a carriage ride, a photo booth, momento favors, and to top it all off a promise ceremony with whomever her father figure is here on earth who represents the love of her Heavenly Father.

This is an amazing Christmas gift from Grandma, her favorite uncle, or from a special friend at church.

You saw how fast the Gala sold out so be sure to take advantage of our Sparkly Black Friday Sale!