The staff of The Sparrow’s Nest endeavors to create a loving home environment for all our young families. Members of our household staff are present 24/7. A case manager and family counselor manage the practical side of life. We have a Board of Directors and a small office staff. In addition, The Sparrow’s Nest is heavily supported by volunteers. Volunteers run everything from mailings, fundraisers, writing policies and procedures, contributing to the newsletter and blog, running social media etc. Volunteers also work directly with our residents as mentors, tutors, bible study leaders, labor coaches, and play group friends. TLC Volunteers (Teaching and Learning Coaches) are required to log 36 hours or 6 months of regular volunteer hours which also includes 8-10 hours of training.
Christ is the beginning, the middle, and the end of all we think, say, or do. We know we can house and feed those in need but our strongest belief is the transforming relationship between us and Jesus Christ. We have been called into a ministry that God has already begun.

The Sparrow’s Nest is decidedly pro-life and values all Life. All Life is of extreme value. No matter how it was brought to us or how it leaves us we respect the Divine Creation from conception the death.

Residents of The Sparrow’s Nest are 19 or younger so most will be required to finish their education either in public school, private school, a homeschooling situation, or GED program. Mothers are also required to attend a church that agrees with our faith statement. Mothers are required to volunteer back in the community. In addition, mothers will complete parenting curriculum that includes childcare/parenting, budgeting, job skills, healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles, and bible study. Each girl will be responsible for cleaning her own space, taking care of her laundry, and assisting in meal preparation. In all the hard work it’s important to us to celebrate each milestone, each accomplishment, each little toe and finger that comes through our doors.
Young mothers who are pregnant, homeless, and parenting can stay at The Sparrow’s Nest for the duration of their pregnancy and then up to a year after their baby is born. Our hope is for the mother and baby to return to a safe and stable home environment with their families. If the young women is of age we will assist her in locating transitional housing until she can learn to live independently. We have an after care program in development that includes scholarships for continuing education and incentives for staying off welfare.

We are limited by the laws in our area to house no more than 8 residents under the age of 18. So it could be 4 young women each with a baby, or 2 young women each with a baby and 4 other young women still expecting.

Yes. We received our 501(c)3 status in November of 2010. Our EIN number is #27-3712845. We are eligible to receive your tax deductible donation to the extent allowed by law.
We are primarily funded through individuals. We are also supported at various levels by our partner churches. In addition we have been gifted many service group and private foundation grant monies. We host 3 main fundraisers a year including The Princess Dance, Gala and The Sparrow Scramble golf tournament. Many local groups also host third party fundraisers on our behalf.
6209 Mid Rivers Mall Drive is our business address from which we send and receive mail. The Sparrow’s Nest Maternity Home operates as a home and we do not plan to use the address of the home on our website, letterhead or other business correspondence.
When we applied for our 501(c)3 status in 2010 the Standing Rock Court address was our only permanent address. We didn’t have a business address yet or a maternity home. It will remain the address associated with our 501(c)3 status until an update occurs.
The Sparrow’s Nest operates as a home with precious moms and babies in residence. We want to do all we can to maintain the privacy of the residence. While a few pictures appear of the house on our site and in Facebook they will be limited.

While we may encounter situations where this type of setup might be beneficial, instead of placing someone in your home, we would refer to another agency that makes these types of arrangements.