Opening up the mailbox and finding it full of checks is just a really, really fun thing to do. A Sparrow value is innovation and creativity and The Flock is always surprising us with the fascinating ways they think to raise funds for The Sparrow’s Nest. Here a just a few from the past month.
Cadette Girl Scout Troop 4140 continues to show their support and enthusiasm as teens serving other teens. These middle school girls have hosted another fundraiser to raise funds for the Sparrow bedroom they have adopted. They recently held another garage sale at Grace Chapel to fund their efforts for The Sparrow’s Nest.
LWML from Harvester Zion Lutheran Church hosted their own diaper drive for The Sparrow’s Nest and also sewed 10 handmade quilts for the young women to come later this year to The Nest. LWML has also committed $1000 towards outfitting and renovating a bedroom at The Nest for our residents.
Barry-Wehrmiller Companies has chosen The Sparrow’s Nest to partner with in 2013. BHC hosted The Board of Directors May Board meeting at their corporate headquarters in Clayton. BHC will be sending teams of volunteers to work days at The Nest, supporting the Sparrow Scramble, and providing cash gifts throughout the year. Some employees are also participating in the Baby Bottle Campaign.

Karis and Makayla hosted a free garage sale with their families with all donations benefitting The Sparrow’s Nest.
Students from Harvester Christian Student Ministries continue to show support of Sparrow through service projects and individual fundraisers. These two young ladies along with their families hosted a Free Garage Sale. The items were available for anyone to take for free however they were encouraged give donations to The Sparrow’s Nest.