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May 2014

A Watched Pot Never Boils

By |May 30th, 2014|

I'm really not good at a lot of things. Cooking, telling time, giving driving directions, hanging pictures straight, and coloring to name a few. But I would put waiting at the top of that list.

April 2014

By |April 11th, 2014|

Some boys I went to college with took their mother’s cooking advice a little too literally. To check if their spaghetti noodles were cooked thoroughly these boys would throw them up on the wall. If

Do We Spend Our Days Loving?

By |April 4th, 2014|

Even though we are waiting on our approval in licensing The Sparrow's Nest staff, both paid and volunteered are hardly sitting around twiddling our thumbs. The days are packed with planning events, thanking donors, getting

March 2014

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