Our Blog2017-02-03T18:15:45-06:00

August 2012

Don’t mess with a mama bear

By |August 9th, 2012|

Some people refer to me as "Mama Sparrow," but I'm actually more like "Mama Bear." There are a few things in this life you don't want to get sideways with me about. 1. My Texas

July 2012

Our Kitchen Table

By |July 30th, 2012|

  This is my kitchen table. This is it's best side. Up close you can see that it's laminate has been melted off in many sections due to hot pots and unfortunate incidents with fingernail

“All I can do is just pray”

By |July 14th, 2012|

My son Sam was walking through the house humming Audio Adrenaline's Big, Big, House yesterday when all of a sudden he stated "I need to go pray the house is donated to The Sparrow's Nest!"

Cooling Sites Available

By |July 5th, 2012|

I've added the cooling sites for our area. If you are in need or come across anyone who would need these services I hope this is a helpful tool . Individuals can also call 211

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