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July 2012

Weekly Prayer Blast 7/1/12

By |July 3rd, 2012|

1. Prayer Meeting tonight to bring glory and honor to God. Pray many people can be a part of it this month. 2. Thanksgiving for continued support from our supporting churches 3. Praise for all

June 2012

Weekly Prayer Requests 6/25/12

By |June 25th, 2012|

1. The search for The Nest continues. Pray for efficient use of time and resources on the search. Pray for clear stepping stones to the house God intends for us. 2. Pray in advance for

Weekly Prayer Requests 5/21/12

By |June 20th, 2012|

1. Continue to pray for funding to help Build The Nest 2. Pray the owners of 1023 First Capitol will donate their building 3. Pray for new volunteers coming on, for the development of a

Weekly Prayer Requests 5/28/12

By |June 20th, 2012|

1. Our board members and their busy schedules 2. Board member Carla Klaskin grand baby to be born in August 3. Board Member Cesar Silva baby to be born in October 4. Board Member Melissa

Weekly Prayer Requests 6/4/12

By |June 20th, 2012|

If you would like to receive these weekly prayer requests via email please contact Jan Peery at janpeery1@att.net. Please join our monthly prayer meetings the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Locations TBA.

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