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June 2012

Weekly Prayer Requests 6/11/12

By |June 20th, 2012|

1. Praying Psalm 119 to stay the course God has put before us and not go out on our own out of frustration or impatience. 2. Pray for the two people interested in joining the

Weekly Prayer Requests 6/18

By |June 20th, 2012|

1. Praise for God being who He says he is and for all He has blessed Sparrow with 2. Praise for the tremendous praise and worship evening with The Attic 3. Praise for the outpouring

Go ahead! Take your best shot!

By |June 6th, 2012|

Pick a page, any page! You want a piece of this?? Do us a favor and run through any or all of the website pages and give us your opinion. Pick us a part. We

May 2012

If I Get Hit By A Bus

By |May 28th, 2012|

A few members of our team have shared some interesting conversations and follow up emails last week. The main subject is if I die. In and of itself this topic is a bit disconcerting. But,

Dollar Signs Don’t Scare Me

By |May 9th, 2012|

The stairwell will cost $10,000. The house will cost $372,000. You'll need to make that bathroom ADA compliant. $25,000 right there. You'll need to add a sprinkler system on every level. That's going to run

Guest Blog: Compassion As A Core Value

By |May 2nd, 2012|

Today's guest blog comes from one our amazing board members, Sandra Wilhite. Sandra is a soft spoken leader who is more than willing to jump in and get her hands dirty even with the mundane

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