Our Blog2017-02-03T18:15:45-06:00

June 2016

Leaders are Readers!

By |June 1st, 2016|

Hopefully the pace of life settles a bit in the summer for you and allows for some great summer reading. We  asked some of our staff and board for their summer reading suggestions on the

May 2016

Mother’s Day Memories

By |May 8th, 2016|

I asked my staff to share a memory of their mom in honor of Mother's Day. Here is a sweet memory from our business manager Sue Ottinger, AKA #SueORocks. We would love to hear about

March 2016

Volunteer Opportunities: Innovation Crews

By |March 11th, 2016|

The Sparrow's Nest is anticipating rapid growth in the next 18-24 month. To ensure excellence and innovation in all we do we are recruiting professionals to serve on steering committees referred to as Innovation Crews.

February 2016

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