January 2015
The Value of Time
86,400 Seconds Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the balance
You can't live with them. You can't live without them. There's something irresistibl-ish about them. We grin and bear it because the nights are long. I hope that something better comes along. I know...I know.
Miracles Still Happen
Let us never discount the miracles that happen all around us, every day. I have experienced physical healing. Before Ben and I started dating, we were both interns for a missionary in the Dominican Republic.
December 2014
Part of His Plan
God often promises something to His children and then makes them wait years for the fulfillment. Noah was told to build an ark to save his family and preserve creation because God was going to
Knock, Knock
My three year old daughter has been soaking up the Nativity story. For weeks at school they went over the parts of the story, and at home we talk about that silent and holy
Where the Soul Finds Its Worth: Guest Blog by Teen Volunteer Katie Kramer
Where the Soul Finds Its Worth Despite declines in rates of unwed pregnancy in the U.S., about 820,000 unwed become pregnant each year. If a percentage is calculated statistics show 34 percent of teenagers have