My son Sam was walking through the house humming Audio Adrenaline’s Big, Big, House yesterday when all of a sudden he stated “I need to go pray the house is donated to The Sparrow’s Nest!”

You can imagine the pride and the surprise I experienced in that moment. But God used the faith of a child to remind me of something huge.

How often have you heard yourself say, “I don’t know what to do, all I can do is just pray.”

We can’t possibly “just pray.” There should be no connotation of a weak or contrite action. Prayer is not meant to be a last ditch effort. Sam demonstrated the power of prayer as our first line of defense. It should be the first thing we choose to do to honor God, to follow God’s lead, to trust in God’s providence, and to lean on His understanding and not ours.

Prayer is not a sideline effort for us participants who can’t get in the game. Prayer is for us warriors who are standing at attention to move when God tells us to move. It is strong movement of force. It is a fighting posture to cut through the enemy’s traps and snares. It is proclamation of victory. It is a stance that inequivocably proclaims God can do all things! Our prayers bring us into alignment with the incredible power and might of God.

We may look around at our circumstances and our resources and see absolutely no way for things to turn out for good. But that is to our benefit! We are to keep our focus on God. Not on the obstacle in our way. God is looking for men and women to live by faith. Our prayers say we expect and trust God to do supernatural acts on our behalf.

Scripture tells us to keep praying without ceasing. Prayer is constant but not static. We have to have tenacity of heart to not lose hope and give up. God doesn’t want us to approach Him as slugs unworthy of his gifts of love. He says to come to him without hesitancy. We must pray with confidence and boldness. We are his children, princes and princesses of the Almighty King.

If all you’ve got is puny prayers, then keep praying. Build up your muscles so you can lift the Spirit of Sword in this battle.

If you’ve got mighty prayer, then keep praying. Lead other prayer warriors to the throne of the King.

Have the faith of my son Sam. Rush to the throne with anticipation and the expectation that God is waiting to hear from you and will answer you.

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith(C) as small as a mustard seed,(D) you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.(E)Nothing will be impossible for you.”

[21] [a] Matthew 17:20-21