Today is Dr. Suess’ Birthday! And we dig birthdays in the grandest of ways at The Sparrow’s Nest. One of our favorite quotes of his we now have hanging in the Volunteer Room in our offices.

We know we have grand vision. We know we have this big beautiful home now. We know we’re embarking on a huge endeavor. We know we stepping into something much, much larger than ourselves.

But it’s all for the littlest reasons. Little fingers. Little toes. Little hearts we can already feel beating inside of ours. Little hearts we hope to shape to know the love of God from an early age. Little babies who we can’t wait to celebrate them being born as well. 

So today while you eat your Green Eggs and Ham and maybe a slice of birthday cake in honor of Dr. Suess, think about all the little reasons The Sparrow’s Nest exists and share them here!