The Sparrow’s Nest is a completely volunteer driven organization. We have the Best in The Brood, our Favorite Fledglings, the Nest Builders, and those loveble Yolk Folk. With all the amazing hearts, minds, and souls represented from the area churches as well as the business community you can imagine how hard it is to pull anybody out from such an outpouring of support and hard work.
Each year we want to celebrate with those volunteers who somehow stand out as going above and beyond the call of duty with our Good Egg Awards. The irony is none of these recipients, like none of our other volunteers, want to be applauded, or recognized, or awarded for their stellar efforts.
They perform for an audience of One.
The Sparrow’s Nest invites you to celebrate with us as we announce this year’s Good Egg Awards Recipients. The recipients are special guests at the 1st Annual Gala: A Walk Down The Red Carpet on November 9th at 6 p.m. and will be recognized that evening as well.