Colossians 1:3 (KJV) We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,

Praise and thanksgiving for all the church reps who came to Asset Mapping to share what God has already abundantly blessed their churches.

Pray for the current owners of The Nest to find new housing that will be a new blessing to their family.

Pray for Faith Chapel and the Board of Directors to continue working on an agreeable contract that glorifies what is God’s

Pray for teen mom C who lost her baby last week and is still struggling to find permanent housing

Praise and thanksgiving for a successful year end giving campaign

Pray for Board Members diligently trying to complete their strategic planning goals

Pray God is preparing the hearts and minds of our houseparents. Pray He reveals those people to us when He is ready.

If you would like to join our prayer ministry, simply email