Prayer Quote

1. Prayer Meeting tonight to bring glory and honor to God. Pray many people can be a part of it this month.

2. Thanksgiving for continued support from our supporting churches
3. Praise for all the donations God has blessed us with this month
4. Renewed energy, strength, and passion for all involved in this work
5. Pray for volunteers gifted in connectedness and relationship building to join our donor relations team
6. Praise for outpouring of support from volunteers for the online auction
7. Pray for players and sponsors for the Sparrow Scramble on 9.21
8. Pray for favor with the city for future negotiations
9. Pray for continued guidance as to which building is the right Nest
10. Pray for clear discernment of when we are to wait on the Lord and when He is waiting on us to move in faith.
11. Pray for volunteers gifted in communication and creativity join start a social media team and to help write the monthly enewsletter.
12. Pray for the beginnings of our Teen Advisory Board.
13. Pray for how we can be a blessing to our community