1. Our board members and their busy schedules
2. Board member Carla Klaskin grand baby to be born in August
3. Board Member Cesar Silva baby to be born in October
4. Board Member Melissa Martin while she’s on vacation in St. Thomas & her children while she is away
5. Waiting on info from city and realtor about house at 1023 First Capitol. Need it to be 2500 sq ft or less
6. 6/15 The Attic Worship Experience at Gateway Christian. Opp to share vision with 200 people
7. The Flock Block Party. Pray for good turn out
8. Pray for funding to purchase house but also praying for house to be donated.
9. Pray for sponsors and players for Sparrow Scramble
10. Pray for teen mom Haleigh, expecting end of June, graduating next week, pray her housing stabilizes.