1. Praying Psalm 119 to stay the course God has put before us and not go out on our own out of frustration or impatience.

2. Pray for the two people interested in joining the board. Pray for hearts of passion, strong balance of time and family,

3. Pray for continued guidance and discernment regarding the 1023 First Capitol property. House may be too big for the lot size and will not fit our use and zoning requirements.
4. Pray for generous and sacrificial giving. Pray we continue to be good stewards of the gifts given to us.
5. Pray for success of Chick Fil A Spirit Night tonight
6. Pray for open hearts and minds when I share the mission at The Attic on Friday and Chapel of the Cross on Sunday.
7. Pray for good turn out at The Flock Block Party

If you would like to receive these weekly prayer requests via email please contact Jan Peery at janpeery1@att.net. Please join our monthly prayer meetings the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Locations TBA.