1. The search for The Nest continues. Pray for efficient use of time and resources on the search. Pray for clear stepping stones to the house God intends for us.
2. Pray in advance for favor with the city and licensing officials
3. Pray in advance for our future neighbors to be gracious and understanding
4. Pray for the success of 3 grants going in this week
5. Pray for volunteers to emerge to take ownership of the online silent auction for the golf tournament
6. Praise for the blessings and encouragement from the First United Methodist UMW group
7. Praise for the support of The Flock Block Party on 7/20. Pray it is well attended
8. Thanksgiving for Zion Lutheran hosting our July Prayer Meeting in their chapel on 7/3 at 7 p.m.
9. Personally I could use prayers for sustained energy to keep momentum going towards our invisible house
10. Pray for God to move financial mountains.
If you would like to receive this weekly prayer requests via email please contact Jan Peery <janpeery1@att.net>.
“You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed.” A.J. Gordon