Single mothers who connect in support groups are more likely to manage finances effectively, parent successfully, and grow emotionally. We’re here to see that no mom walks alone. Please this support group with any single moms you may know!
Our Single Mom Support Group is the LAST MONDAY of each month*:
- 5:30 pm – Moms and kids arrive at the Nest to get the kids settled in for childcare (dinner provided)
- 6:00 pm – Moms transported to O’Fallon Church of Christ for dinner
- 6:30-7:30 pm – Group time for moms
- after 7:30 – Moms visit the Resource closet on the way back to the Nest
Click one of our events on the right to add it to your calendar and RSVP. RSVPs are required by the Friday before each meeting. First Come, First Served.
*Events could change due to staffing, please remember to check the event page the day of the event to stay up to date.
Single Mom Support Group Schedule
June 26, 2017
July 31, 2017
August 28, 2017
September 25, 2017
October 30, 2017
November 27, 2017
December TBD