Favorite all time reoccuring question:

You still working on that Robin, birdhouse…*sputters Sparrow Thing?

You betcha! Here’s just a few reminders for you of what our goals and objectives are:

1. Our Mission: The mission of THE SPARROW’S NEST MATERNITY HOME is to provide a CHRIST centered shelter and to educate homeless, pregnant and parenting YOUNG WOMEN by providing a wide range of SERVICES that empower them to make positive and healthy LIFE decisions for themselves and their BABIES.

2. Our Values: 

Christ is the beginning, the middle, and the end of all we think, say, or do.

LIFE: All life is of extreme value. No matter how it was brought to us or how it leaves us we respect the Divine Creation from conception t0 death.

EXCELLENCE: We offer our best. Excellence in leadership, programming, service, and environment inspires the same in others.

INTEGRITY: We do not exist without a strong foundation of integrity.

INNOVATION: We honor innovation. We will not accept the status quo. We will strive to creatively find solutions.

3. Our Goals

-We will provide housing for 8 children under the age of 18. This includes teen mamas and their babies.

-They are welcome to stay with us for the duration of their pregnancy and then up to a year after their baby is born.

-The young women are required to attend a church that reflects our  faith statement http://www.thesparrowsneststl.org/about-us/faith-statement/.

-The young women are also required to finish at least their high school requirements and volunteer in the community.

-During their stay at The Sparrow’s Nest, young women will complete a Christ centered curriculum focusing on childcare/parenting, healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles, budgeting, bible study, job skills, and life skills.

-If a young women can return to a safe and stable environment that is our goal for her. If she cannot move home and is too young to live on her own we are developing Shepherding Homes for the mom and baby to live together. We also have a goal of developing transistional housing for the young family to move into after the mother reaches the age of 18.

-In addition, we are developing a 10 year aftercare program with incentives of on-going support and educational opportunities.

If you’re just tuning in, this way prompt more questions from you and we welcome them! What else would you like to know?