A few weeks ago we were able to host our first Alumni Week at the lake. It was a great vacation memory to build with former residents and to continue building relationships. It got me thinking about what vacation memories our board and staff have. And here they are for you! Be sure to respond in the comments with your own memories!

Jessica Henman-Board Secretary, Princess Dance Planning Crew

When I was little, the biggest vacation my family was able to take was to northern Ohio to a couple of amusement parks. We stayed at a Holiday Inn and every night smelled yummy things coming from the restaurant next door. We decided to go on our last night of vacation, and walked in in our t shirts and shorts, to be greeted by a maitre d’ in a tux. He very graciously seated us without comment or even a second glance, placed the linen napkins in our laps, and proceeded to give us one of the most memorable dining experiences of our lives–even when my mom, who had carefully taught us to use the right fork and behave correctly in a fancy restaurant, shot a rib bone across the table.

Alyssa Hilburn-Case Manager/Volunteer Coordinator

We always spent part of the summer with my grandparents in Oklahoma. They live on a farm/cattle ranch in the middle of nowhere. We swam in the creek, explored the pasture and always had a blast! We would also spend a portion of that time with my uncle on his ranch. That was my favorite part because I got to spend the majority of the time on horseback with him.

Cindy Lawson- Board Member, Communications Innovation Crew

About 15 years ago (SHUT UP….it can’t be that long ago!!!), I took my three kids to the Smoky Mountains for a vacation.   It was my first road trip with just me and the kids, so it was a little scary.   We stayed in a great wood cabin and shared many great memories.      One of the highlights of the vacation was a white water rafting trip on the river.   It was so much fun, but the river was definitely “raging” with a lot of bumps and drops.    As we neared a bend in the river, the guide told us that there was a camera posted at the bend to the left.    It would shoot a pic and we would be able to purchase it at the end of the trip.   Well my 16 year old daughter found the camera in “mid-paddle”,  and posed with a pretty smile ….. and then bounced out of the canoe because she was not holding on!  LOL….we recovered her, but lots of ribbing later on.   She DID however take a nice picture.

Geries Shaheen- Housedad

For our anniversary a few years ago, we decided to take a bus from Cancun to Chichen Itza three hours and want to see the Mayan ruins.  They gave us the wrong boarding time so we missed the bus. We found a very inexpensive manual transmission vehicle to rent for the day and maneuvered our way through thick forested terrain. We arrived enjoy the day and drove back. Adventure awaits!

Heather Hussey- Board Member, Communications Innovation Crew

In June 2012, my family (husband and three kids), along with my husband’s extended family (husband’s parents, grandparents, brother and cousins), rented a beach house in Panama City, FL like we do every year. Well, my mother in law had been wanting a family photo of everyone, so I hired a Florida photographer. Well, after a few poses here and a few poses there, the photographer replaced the typical “say cheese” with “say Heather’s pregnant.” It was so awesome to announce the coming of our new baby to our whole family WHILE also capturing their reactions!

Kirk Kasicki- Board Member, Gala Planning Crew
When Emma was four we went to Disneyland. It was the perfect time to go for her because all the Disney “magic” was real. One of things that we did was to find the princesses in the park. We were able to meet Cinderella, Belle, and Sleeping Beauty all at one time. Cinderella was her absolute favorite and Emma’s face just lit up. Unfortunately (for her) she had to meet Belle first. She told Belle that she was her “second favorite” and that she was really there to meet Cinderella. My wife and I bust out laughing and Belle had to suppress a smile but played along very well.