Through a strange series of events, I now find myself writing about a connection between giraffes and The Sparrow’s Nest. At first thought, how could these two things possibly be related? One’s an animal with a long neck residing in Africa and the other is a maternity home for young ladies located in O’Fallon, MO. There is virtually no connection. 
But is there?  
Both are reaching to new heights. Sure, it may appear giraffes are only stretching to reach their food found in crunchy leaves on tall trees, but those leaves provide life for the giraffesI am by no means an expert on giraffes, but I would beg to say that without the aid of their long necks, they would struggle to find their food. There would be more competition for the leaves. Their necks provide the means to reach life. 
What does this mean for Sparrow? The girls are reaching to new heights. Sparrow is the neck that helps them reach life. Coming in, we see girls who are struggling to simply make it day by day, living in survival mode. Through the help and support of community surrounding Sparrow, the girls are provided with opportunities to reach new levels of leaves. The first leaf level may be their GED, then they reach even higher for a job in their dream career field, eventually stretching to the top of the tree by being able to provide for their little family.  
Even with the aid of the community as their neck, we mustn’t forget who provides for both the giraffes and our Sparrow girls. God is the ultimate provider of life and resources. He creates the environment in which both Sparrow girls and giraffes thrive.   
How lovely is your dwelling place, 
    Lord Almighty! 
My soul yearns, even faints, 
    for the courts of the Lord; 
my heart and my flesh cry out 
    for the living God. 
Even the sparrow has found a home, 
    and the swallow a nest for herself, 
    where she may have her young— 
a place near your altar, 
    Lord Almighty, my King and my God. 
Blessed are those who dwell in your house; 
    they are ever praising you 
Psalm 84:1-4 
God sees His creation. He knows it. He hears it. He speaks to it. He loves it.  
He provides for giraffes, for sparrows, for our Sparrow girls, for you, and for me. How beautiful and loving is our King! 
And there you have it, a connection between giraffes and The Sparrow’s Nest.