We have specific tasks and responsibilities needed to be completed by individuals, children, or groups. Let us know your ideas as well. If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities please fill out a Volunteer Interest Form and mention the opportunities of interest.

Tell people about The Sparrow’s Nest

* Write and create social media content for Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter

* Develop a marketing plan and promotions to advertise events, services, fundraisers, etc.

* Write articles for the newsletter and blog

Help with resources for our Resident’s

*Set up resource closet to hold baby items, diapers, wipes, clothing, shoes, etc

*Maintain resource closet inventory and changing out seasonal

Maintain the Nest

* Rebuild and insulate the well house

* Help with House Maintenance; snow removal, gutter cleaning, etc

Volunteer at an Event/Help Plan an Event

* Volunteer at the Sparrow Scramble Golf tournament

* Volunteer for the Gala as a decorating volunteer, promotional volunteer, silent auction volunteer, etc

Support The Sparrow’s Nest through time, talent and prayer

* Write thank you notes

* Join the Prayer Ministry

* Make baked good items to share with donors, supporters, or at events

* Visit donors and supporters to express gratitude

Specifically for Kids:

* Join the Teen Leadership Board

* Write letters of support to local businesses and legislature

* Make thank you cards

* Hold your own fundraiser such as a car wash, lemonade stand, penny drive, etc.

* Write or draw guest blogs

* Watch younger children at Sparrow meetings

Specifically for Developmentally Delayed Adults:

*create items for The Little Things Project such as baby hats, diaper bags, scarves, baby booties

* Assist in mailings

* Volunteer during Shower of Love by handing out flyers and accepting baby item donations

* Submit art for Guest blogs

Group Volunteer Opportunities

Maintain the Nest for groups

*Paint the exterior of the house

*Assist in landscaping

* Participate in Spring Deep Cleaning

Volunteer at an Event for groups

* Support restaurant fundraisers

* Host Volunteer Appreciation Events

* Volunteer during Sparrow Scramble as food servers, hole monitors, silent auction monitors, or hosting the volunteer dinner the night before

Support The Sparrow’s Nest for groups

* Assist in mailings

* Create and write thank you notes

* Help decorate for events

* Provide baked items

* Hold  Party With A Purpose fundraiser

If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities please fill out a Volunteer Interest Form and mention the opportunities of interest.