Today is the perfect day for a Family Service Day. Sure, we can’t get out to The Nest to finish painting but there are lots of things you and your children of all ages can do today from the warmth of your home to volunteer for The Sparrow’s Nest. Here are five ideas but we would love to hear what ideas your family comes up with!
1. #JustPray. Take a few moments to praise God for this amazing ministry He is creating. Thank him for such generous hearts. Ask protection over the girls calling that we can’t serve just yet. Pray for healthy babies and loving families. Pray for our paid staff coming on board. In addition, your family is welcome to attend our next #justpray meeting.
2. Make or write thank you notes. This is something we ALWAYS need. No matter how big we get the art of a handwritten note needs to always be a part of our identity. Your family could make standard sized, 4 1/4″ x 5 1/2″ thank you cards and feel free to write a generalized thank yous for us to send to all the supporters and donors who have circled around us. You could also write thank you notes to our board members
3. Bake. We love to provide homemade baked goods to thank volunteers and partners as well as use them at meetings and events. You could bake up a couple of batches of muffins or cookies that can be put in the freezer to be used later.
4. Write. Have your kids been out of school forever with the holidays and winter weather? Are you worried their brains are wasting away on video games and movies? Give them an opportunity to serve by writing or drawing on topics of thankfulness, gratitude, faith, service to others, or the importance of babies. They don’t have to be perfect by any means for us to use them as a guest blog or article in our newsletter. Email them to
5. Create. We’ll be moving in to our offices the week of 1/13. We would love to have some original artwork to hang on our walls depicting our mission or our values of Christ, Life, Excellence, Integrity, and Innovation. Paint, mold, collage, draw, photograph inspiring and encouraging pieces to share with the staff of The Sparrow’s Nest.
These are just a few ideas but take some time to pray and brainstorm with you children and see what they come up with themselves!