Title of volunteer positionSPARROW PRAYER COORDINATOR

Position Summary: To lead “The Flock” in developing a Perpetual Intercessory Prayer ministry. The Prayer Coordinator’s purpose is to organize, schedule, and provide general leadership for The Sparrow’s Nest prayer activities.

Reports to: The Executive Director or staff person assigned.

Relates closely with and oversees: All staff, volunteers, and supporters of The Sparrow’s Nest

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Identify key people within The Flock of The Sparrow’s Nest who are willing to pray or serve in the leadership of prayer ministry and enlist their commitment.
  • Establish a strategic Prayer Committee and serve as its chairperson. The leadership responsibilities of the Prayer Committee can be divided among the members of this committee.
  • Act as a liaison between The Sparrow’s Nest,  the supporting church leadership, and the Prayer Committee.
  • Ensure that prayer is encouraged, engaged, and integrated into every ministry and department of The Sparrow’s Nest. 
  • Assist the Volunteer Coordinator in recruiting and developing personal prayer support teams. 
  • Create an information network that keeps everyone informed of prayer concerns utilizing the newsletter, phone, email, social media, and texting.
  • Contribute to the development of an effective local prayer chain.
  • Plan and organize special prayer events for The Sparrow’s Nest (i.e., monthly or quarterly prayer meetings, National Day of Prayer, Sanctity of Life Sunday, Respect Life Month

Secondary Responsibilities:

  • Designate, design, and promote (with Prayer Committee and church leadership) a prayer room and/or prayer garden for The Sparrow’s Nest.
  • Resource Sunday School Teachers and small group leaders by providing training, materials and resources for prayer curriculums.
  • Train, equip, and mentor prayer leaders who can establish and lead small group prayer.
  • Serve as a liaison between The Sparrow’s Nest and  local churches citywide to create and encourage cooperative prayer efforts.

(Taken from My House Shall Be A House of Prayer.)


Leadership strengths/gifts/talents/skills desired:

  • A strong personal devotion to prayer and a sincere desire to see The Sparrow’s Nest be devoted to prayer.
  • Spiritual maturity.
  • Good reputation in a local congregation and the confident approval of church leaders.
  • Gift of organization, encouragement, and administration.
  • Good communicator.

If you are interested in this leadership volunteer position with The Sparrow’s Nest please email to start a discussion about this very critical position.