
As of 3:00pm 2/20/12, the Youth In Need Shelter will have no openings. Please have families contact shelter intake staff at
636-946-3771 (our 24 hour hotline).

Have a great evening!

Are you up and running?
Do you have availability for our referrals?

Sherry M. Hartz
Sts. Joachim & Ann Care Service
4116 McClay Road, St. Charles, MO 63304
636-441-1302 x 286

These are a sample of actual emails I’ve received in the last 48 hours. Add a phone call in from a homeless expecting teen and you start to see the daily need for The Sparrow’s Nest to open in St. Charles as soon as possible.

Add a meeting with a church or community leader, designing fliers, managing the website, establishing our social media presence, writing development plans, completing accreditation forms,fretting over our Form 990s, researching grants, networking, keeping in touch with volunteers, etc. and well you get the idea. Sometimes it feels like we just need a little more manpower of people who will do what they say they are going to do to push us to that next level of opening our doors.

This the opportune time for you to get involved at the ground level. This is your chance to take advantage of a real opportunity to serve. Check out some of our volunteer opportunities underneath the tab “How You Can Help” on the website. We would love to see your at our next Volunteer Information Meeting on Tuesday, February 28th at 6:30 p.m. Email carissa@thesparrowsneststl.org for more information.