Since 2013, there have been about 1048 official donors (including corporate, church and individuals donating via check, credit card or cash). Our total donations over that time is $573,204.31. We appreciate any gift at any level!
Here are just a few reasons why our supporters make supporting The Sparrow’s Nest mission a priority:
Our church has supported The Sparrow’s Nest since the maternity home was just a dream. In line with our vision to be faithful to the biblical command to care for those in need, TSN provides our people with an opportunity to make a gospel impact on the lives of teen mothers in our community. Most local churches do not have the resources to provide the quality of care that TSN has made available. Our partnership with them has connected our people to a professional organization that shares our heart to proclaim the good news of Jesus to “the least of these”.
Scott Grossenbacher
Community Minister, First Baptist Church Harvester
As I age, I continue to appreciate the magnitude of God’s grace to us and especially to me. He has granted me a very blessed life in all of its dimensions. As an adopted child of an unwed mother, I feel compelled to give back and return the grace shown to me as a newborn and throughout my life. Walking beside and supporting The Sparrow’s Nest is an extension of myself in helping moms and babies to create a strong foundation for life. Undoubtedly they will “pay it forward” someday too.
Jon Vitiello
Senior Vice President, Financial Operations, Mercy