VOLUNTEERS play a vital role in our ministry, and we cannot operate without their support and generosity. Whatever your age and whatever gifts or talents you have been blessed with we can use you!

Before volunteering with The Sparrow’s Nest we suggest potential volunteers:
Learn more about The Sparrow’s Nest through this website at the links below. Informational meetings are held on an as needed basis. If you’re interested in attending a meeting, please e-mail our volunteer coordinator, Alyssa Hilburn. Here’s what you will hear at an informational meeting:
- Our Story
- Our Mission and Faith Statement
- The status of the Nest
- Current Volunteer Opportunities
- An opportunity to ask questions (visit our Volunteer FAQ page)
- An opportunity to submit a Volunteer Interest Form or a Volunteer Application, depending on the volunteer role you plan to fill.
- An opportunity to submit a Release and Waiver of Liability form.