Sharing Success supports Sparrow’s Nest mission
(L-R) Cuivre River Electric Cooperative (CREC) Director Denise O’Mara, Sparrow’s Nest Founder/Executive Director Carissa Figgins, and CREC Manager of Finance and Accounting Susan Dollins celebrate a $10,000 Sharing Success grant from CREC and CoBank.
Mrs. Missouri discusses The Sparrow’s Nest golf tournament Friday, Aug. 26, 2016
ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI)- On June 18th, Mrs. Wentzville, Heather Kemper-Hussey became Mrs. Missouri. Now she will represent the Show-Me-State at the Mrs. America Pageant later this month in Las Vegas.Kemper-Hussey as well as Carissa
Streetscape Magazine interviews Carissa Figgins
MATERNITY HOME FOR GIRLS IN NEED “My clients were coming in younger and younger, and their biggest fear was, if they were going to parent this child, they had nowhere to go.” Carissa Figgins,
Board Member Teresa Simmons honored with St. Louis Business Woman of the Year 2013
When Teresa Simmons decided to move on from manufacturing, where she oversaw two acquisitions and a company switch from public to private, she found out that her wide range of experience was a solid base for the
Shower of Love is a huge success!
Kohl's Cares Volunteers at The Shower of Love. Kohl's donates $500 in addition to providing very fun volunteers! $84, 360 in cash and baby items were donated in this year's Shower of