November 2016
The Sparrow’s Nest Welcomes New Board President and Board Director
The Sparrow’s Nest welcomes a new Board President, Kirk Kasicki, and Board Director, Sonya Burnett. Kirk has been married to his wonderful wife Darrah for 13 years and they have one daughter in middle school.
October 2016
The Sparrow’s Nest and Giraffes By: Erica Grogg-House Aide
Through a strange series of events, I now find myself writing about a connection between giraffes and The Sparrow's Nest. At first thought, how could these two things possibly be related? One's an animal with a
Field Notes by Geries Shahaeen-House Dad
If you ever find yourself sitting at the Kitchen table at The Sparrow's Nest, look through the front window. You will see the front yard. When the house was first purchased, a group of volunteers
Why I Was Surprised By My Summer Bucket List
When school let out this year our family created a summer bucket list. The list included trips to the zoo, kayaking, books to read, places to swim, sweets to eat, people to visit, and summer
September 2016
2016 Fundraising Gala: Run for the Roses
By: Kirk Kasicki The Sparrow Gala returns for its fourth year! This year’s theme is “Run for the Roses” so wear your Derby best, or cocktail attire if you prefer, and enjoy Kentucky Derby themed
Sharing Success supports Sparrow’s Nest mission
(L-R) Cuivre River Electric Cooperative (CREC) Director Denise O’Mara, Sparrow’s Nest Founder/Executive Director Carissa Figgins, and CREC Manager of Finance and Accounting Susan Dollins celebrate a $10,000 Sharing Success grant from CREC and CoBank.